!(git commit virtualenv)


So, To write my first blog post of the year, I was attending the first FSMK Sunday School of the year "Handson with Django". I was quite exicted about this for a few reasons.

  1. The mentors were all participants of Django Girls in Bangalore this year
  2. Their mentor was a ...
Category: Technology Tags:

Ideas I adopt when I talk on stage


I had recently been to IIT Madras for a two-day hands-on workshop on Python programming language. It was an amazing experience. Its been 2 years for me out of college, and thanks to FSFTN, that actually gave me the platform for a lot of public speaking @ some colleges. I usually ...

Category: Talks Tags:

Where I look at Hacktivist Camp.


My thoughts on why do we need to organize Hacktivist camp. This was the thought that went in me , when I was thiinking about what would be the end result of a camp like this.

Ok, So hacktivist camp as I belive , is to take out volunteers to the next ...

Category: free-society Tags:

Using Pelican to deploy static website in Gitlab.


I my last article I wrote about gitlab pages. This article is a quick note on how to deploy your static blog using pelican.

This is a more developer / computer known person prespective. If something goes wrong do ping me

Steps :

  1. Sign up for an account at gitlab.com
  2. Create ...
Category: free-society Tags:

Static Websites on Gitlab


Most of you might have been using a website called github.com for hosting your code repos. For those of you who dont know what is github, it is basically a website that offers, a version control system. Github also offers free unlimited "public" code hosting. And then if you ...

Category: free-society Tags:

Upar wala shab dek raha hai


First of all, let me just me translate the title "The one above will look after everything".

Interesting right ? But the question is who is the "one above "? Above whom ?? Who is that ? What is "the one" got to do with us ?

Well to answer all these questions, lets go ...

Category: life Tags: